Friday, July 29, 2011

Glidden boyfriend commercial

Found this second gem while searching for the first Glidden commercial. Love that Bobby--who we don't see but I can already picture the kid's ears--is replaced with someone named Fernando. Who names their kid Fernando?? No one. Totally makes me think she's dating someone older and I instantly share this dad's concern. Well done Glidden and Walmart. I can't name too many other paint commercials that would make me laugh as much as these two.

Glidden mural commercial

Aside from the PHENOMENAL voice over the "mural" does--Don't paint meeeeee--I'd like to just revel for a second in the sheer randomness of the mural artwork being in a living room in the first place. Who would have this in their home?? No one. And that's why it's brilliant. I also love how quickly she silences him with the paint..."yeah, no. He's gotta go." Amazing.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Chelsea Handler Visits the Old People

As promised, a second dose of Chelsea Handler's run in with the elderly. LOVES it.

Chelsea Handler with Pop Culture Oldies

It's been too long since I've posted (what happened to June??) so I thought I'd come back strong with a double dose of my favorite clips from the OLD Chelsea Handler show--back when she was competing with shows like The Simple Life and Chuy was just the name of my favorite Quaker Oats granola bars. As hilarious as Chelsea is in this clip, it's actually Marion who steals the show. Enjoy!