Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I probably shouldn't love this clip as much as I do but I can't fight it. Aside from the fact that the girl dead-weight plummets like she's been shot with a tranquilizer gun, the judge's reactions KILL me. How are they still in their seats?? A girl just swan dove into concrete and NO ONE moves?? I couldn't believe it and I couldn't take my eyes away or stop hitting rewind. I also love that this particular clip is followed RANDOMLY with a cat chasing its tail?? So deliciously weird.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Adele Takes Home Album of the Year at Grammys

NEVER did I think I would be posting a grammy acceptance speech as one of my favorite things but I loved this one so much. On top of the fact that 21 was a FANTASTIC album--and one of the few I actually paid money for--I'm a sucker for any awards show where the winner IMMEDIATELY and with no shame bursts into tears when their name is announced. This clip has that, a nice dose of humor and a british accent. Can't beat that combo. Bravo Adele.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Family Guy Baskin Robbins cow

I couldn't--in good conscience--reference Family Guy in a post and then NOT follow with this clip. It remains one of my favorites, not just because they gave the cow a RIDICULOUS accent, but also because of the sheer randomness of the cow's presence. The scene--and life really--never calls for a talking cow in a mall eating ice cream and yet someone was genius enough to write it. Bravo.

WHheat Thins: Family Guy

Thought for a minute that I had accidentally changed the channel to a hilarious (and heavily branded) episode of Family Guy but it's not. Just a cleverly random and charming Wheat Thins commercial that I now love and will quote--no doubt--in the near future. Well played Nabisco...well played.

Amy's Grocery Hidden Camera Prank

After watching this clip from the Ellen Show, I'm now convinced I should just devote this entire blog to her clips. The prank is made infinitely better because Amy can't seem to hear half of what Ellen in relaying to her. I've re-watched this clip at least five times now and the Knock-knock joke followed by the impromptu tap dancing STILL leaves me crying. I'm also partial to her yelling "I HAVE TWO CATS!" and pulling farrrr too many bags for one banana. What you didn't see, was before this clip, Ellen also had Amy (who may be my new favorite Ellen staffer) take at least 8 bites out of an apple and put it into a stranger's cart. HAHA too good.

Kristen Bell's Sloth Gets Auto-tuned!

OH mannnnn. I didn't think the clip I posted last week could get any better and then someone went and added auto-tune AND a guitar-playing sloth?!?! Get outta here.  I love it so much.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kristen Bell's Sloth Meltdown

I haven't posted anything on this blog in for-ev-er but I didn't know where else to put this clip once I saw it. It's Kristen Bell describing her love of sloths and then showing a hilariously embarrassing home video of herself. It truly is one of my favorite things.