Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Drunk dancing at its finest

If you're not watching Bethenny Ever After, you may want to reconsider.  This clip from yesterday's episode incorporates two of my favorite things in life--drunk dancing and unrelenting sarcasm. Best line? "She dances like it's her job...by the airport."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Best SNL movie trailer

Every time I see a promo for this movie, I'm reminded how hilarious this SNL trailer is!  By the third "Chrysler building" reference, I'm crying laughing. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Peapod Grocery App

Description: Grocery shopping has never been faster or easier.  When you start to run low on an item or find one you like when you're out of the house, simply scan its barcode and click "Add to cart."  The item is instantly added to your Peapod shopping cart and ready to be purchased at your convenience.  No more lists, no more grocery trips and best of all, no more forgetting items when it's time to shop.

Who is galaxy goose??

Where did he come from? What does he want with Chicago? And why the fuck is he blindfolded?? These are questions that have haunted my dreams ever since I brushed past this sweatshirt-clad enigma on the way to Chicago's St. Patty's day parade. The only bigger mystery of the day turned out to be where the hell the actual parade took place.  I heard drums but only found "I shamrock Chicago" t-shirts.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mission statement

My bucket list doesn’t include snagging a corner office or securing a white picket fence.  All I really want out of life are good stories to share and good people to share them with. 

Well that, and more pictures like this one.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pepto-Bismol "fortunes"

  1. Use the pharmacy next door.
  2. The chef sends his apologies.
  3. We followed the ten second rule.
  4. You won’t be smiling long.
  5. We did more than spit in your food.
  6. Enjoy your stomach now.
  7. You don’t look so good.
  8. You’ll regret this.
  9. See you in the bathroom.
  10. This won’t taste as good coming up.
  11. Two entrées was a bad idea.
  12. Starving orphans don’t eat that fast.
  13. My dog wouldn’t eat that.
  14. Pay before the nausea kicks in.
  15. Your meal’s on its way up.
  16. Blame Pedro.
  17. Brace your body for the fetal position.
  18. This date’s gonna end with your head over a toilet.
  19. We predict vomit.
  20. Bathroom patrons are gonna think you’re giving birth. 

Pepto-Bismol.  We'll take care of it.

Chart city


What IF?? Hahaha I LOVE this commercial. It kills me when the cat flips the page and when they're snapping their fingers in the alley! Genius.