Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Home Depot TV spot

1. [Hear group laughter and chatter as footsteps walk down stairs]

2.  [All noise stops abruptly as Randy and two guys see the room. A chip falls from Randy's mouth]

Randy (through mouthful of chips): Gary man, what is this?

3.  [Gary pushes his way into the room to face the group]

Gary: What is what? It's the new man cave!

[Gary’s arms open wide revealing the baby blue man cave behind him]

4.  [Laughter from group]

Guy 1: Yeah no it’s not.

5.  [Gary’s smile fades]

Guy 2: Dude, it looks like baby smurf threw up in here.

6.  [Gary is shocked. Group laughs]

Guy 1: Wasn’t this the color of your prom dress Gary?

[Group laughs as Guy 2 pushes Gary who pushes back]

Guy 1: (sighs from laughing) Yeah we’re out of here.

[Group turns and heads up stairs]

Gary: Really guys? Randy!
7.  [Gary puts hand out to stop Randy who’s last to leave] 

Gary: C’mon man. It’s just paint.

Randy: Dude I can’t. [Looks back at room] It’d be like sitting in a tampon box. 

8.  [Group laughs. Randy pats Gary on back and leaves him starring at the room]

9.  [THE HOME DEPOT logo]

V/O: Until there's hassle-free friends, we've got hassle-free returns.

10.  [Gary puts baby blue paint can on counter at Home Depot]

Employee: No go?

Gary: I don’t want to talk about it.

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