Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chalk children

I know these children! Well not THESE children but a pair just like them. I won't forget it. I was touring Alaska with my family ages ago and we stopped at this house owned by some family friends (I use the term "family friends" loosely because I don't even know their names now. I'm also using the term "house" loosely because I think most people would have deemed this thing a shack-on-wheels). Point is, they let us in so SOMEBODY must have known them.

What I remember happening next is me wandering innocently into the basement looking for a restroom I would never find. That's because seated in pitch black at a table BLOCKING my path to the restroom were two albino children (EXACTLY like the ones from the clip above) eating from a plate PILED with peas. And not the kind of peas you order as a sushi appetizer either--you know the snap peas you can hold. These were raw peas and NOTHING ELSE (See creepy picture below). Come to think of it, I don't even know how the damn things stayed on the plate without rolling off! Anyways, it's not important. What is, is that these chalk children were eating them ONE-BY-ONE with their forks but stopped the MINUTE they saw me round the corner. You know the "suspense music" that plays in the background of this clip?? Well that's EXACTLY what I heard in my head. Then I saw one of them mouth something I couldn't catch--no doubt HIGHLY ominous in nature like "visitors aren't welcome here" or "death will follow you now"--and I bolted upstairs like my life depended on it.

I learned that day what it took the cast of Cougar Town half an episode to understand; chalk children are no fucking joke man.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Carissa's wedding shower

Before today, I thought all wedding showers sucked balls.  There's probably a less crass way of saying this but if you've ever been to one of these hell traps you know what I'm talking about.  That theory, however, was just proven wrong by my college roommate Carissa (NOT pictured above. Although I attached it because the woman rocking the "privacy bar" could EASILY be either of us at her wedding in September).

My NEW theory is that in order for a wedding shower to break the "ball sucking mold" you've gotta provide knock-you-on-your-ass bloody marys and equally delicious lines like these:

Carissa's Grandma: Isn't she beautiful?
Me: Carissa?
Carissa's Grandma: NOOO. That woman over there.

Carissa: I want to thank you all so much for coming and to Kelli, Cindy, my mom and my grandma for putting this whole thing together.
Carissa's Grandma: Ha! I didn't do anything.

Kelli: Okay Carissa...time to open gifts!
(Carissa goes to stand up and the button on her dress pops open--for the 20th time--flashing everyone)
Carissa: Here's your gifts.

(Opening gifts)
1st gift: Shot glasses
2nd gift: More shot glasses
3rd gift: Glass beer pitcher
4th gift: Wine chiller
Carissa's mom: Did anyone get you anything that wasn't alcohol related??
Carissa: What can I say? I'm a good time.

5th gift: Kitchen utencils
Carissa: I'll have Sam explain to me what each of these are.

6th gift: Towels monogrammed with their initials CSM (Carissa and Sam Maguire)
Aunt: Wait, what was that? I didn't see.
Carissa: I got S & M towels.

Q: What was Carissa's first job?
Me: Phone sex operator?
Carissa: TAWNIA!!.... that was my second job you guys.

(Carissa opens her gift bag and scratches out the lottery ticket inside)
Carissa's mom: Carissa, I think Kelli was going to have everyone do that at the same time.
Carissa: Oh shit.
(She stuffs the card back in the bag)
Kelli: Okay everyone, you can open your gift bags now!
(Carissa pulls out her lottery ticket)
Carissa: (Sad faced) Kelli? What the hell is this? Mine's already scratched out.
(She pauses long enough to watch Kelli's horrified reaction and then busts out laughing)

Kelli: Haha I totally thought we screwed you! What'd you use to scratch out your ticket?
Carissa: My teeth.

Carissa: Last night we were asked what we love about each other.  I said I love Sam's dimples.  Sam said he loved my big tits. That's my future husband.

HAHAHA Loves it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

AT&T Commercial - Flash Mob

AT&T strikes AGAIN today! I think this one speaks for itself. Be sure and revel in the intensity of not only this man's dance moves but the way he rips himself free of that trench coat. My favorite part is when he chants "WE ARE..." and is met with crickets. I LIVE for awkward scenes like that! Good luck topping either of these Verizon. (Please note I almost followed this with the words "can you hear me now?" but stopped myself in time...you're welcome).

Samsung Infuse 4G "Spider"

DIED laughing when I saw this Samsung commercial. Props to whoever cast this masterpiece because without their reactions there's no WAYY they pull this concept off. The woman deserves a cameo in Scream 4, the phone's owner should get one in Jennifer Aniston's next romantic comedy (he can play the bumbling-best-friend-turned-love-interest) and the dude with the shoe is just my hero. The man's guttural screams were enough to leave me crying but then he goes and thumps the piece of shit one last time?!? So hard in fact that his body sorta lurches off balance?!? And he STILL doesn't realize it's the phone?!? Get OUTTA here. So good.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton)

Watching Michael Bolton sing about Pirates of the Caribbean shouldn't be this entertaining OR catchy but it is.  I bet if he had known how popular this SNL digital short was going to be, he would have re-thought that horrifying stint on Dancing with the Stars. Favorite random verse? "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I give Jenny all my love." Favorite random moment? Bolton kissing a fake wooden seagull and tossing it at the camera. Comedic gold every time you play it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bitch slap city

Was watching House and caught this promo for Glee's finale which ends in an AMAZING-ly vicious slap to the face. Blink and you'll miss it but if you're like me you'll rewind a few times (including one time in slow motion) just to behold the brilliance. I'm always impressed when a bitch slap comes off believable and this is the best I've seen on TV.  Diana Agron, if you're reading this, give yourself an Emmy.

Give this kid a sitcom!

If you want to see a movie full of pure, unadulterated rage and a child actor who MORE than pulls their weight, watch Man on Fire. If you want to see the same thing on TV, watch this Volkswagen commercial. This little guy turns what could have EASILY been a lame commercial into one I could watch for dayyyyys. His facial expressions KILL me and I'm totally convinced he hates that pinata with a passion. The Dad on the other hand? Not so much. The only thing I'm convinced of after watching him is that he's a weak little bitch.