Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Someone's abandoned bucket list

Today the hilarious Natasha Leggero posted this pic on Twitter along with the caption "My friend was renting his apartment to a chick he met at Burning Man and she left this behind."  I'd like to start by saying that if I were creating a list of the "Top 100 things to do before I die," I'd write "Find someone's abandoned bucket list" as item #1 because this thing is AMAZING.  #20 is my favorite by far not only because I imagine her FURIOUSLY adding it but also because it's sandwiched between "take care of a dog(s)" and "always write thank-you notes." 

Monday, August 22, 2011


Saw this logo on a subway ad today and was equally horrified and entertained by its inappropriateness.  I guess SafePlace is supposed to rescue victims of sexual and domestic violence but from the looks of the logo that's EXACTLY what's going to be going on when they get to this "safe place."  Before you object, take a good look at those two figures and tell me that doesn't look like someone's getting FULL ON groped from behind??  You may counter with "no, no, no the person in front is FACING the other person and they're just hugging."  But I thought of that too and that's EQUALLY creepy!  Someone grabbing you with big meaty paws like that and holding you against their face while your arms are pinned at your sides?!?  Uhhh no thank you.  I've seen dumpsters that look like safer places than this. FAIL!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Photo bomb!

HAHA here's a little gem my sister sent me via Facebook two months ago. I just found it today because Facebook and I have this long-standing love/hate relationship--I love to talk about how much I hate it.  Do I like, dislike, poke, prod, tazer, unfriend, refriend, defriend, and then freefriend?  That's far too much work.  The only reason I haven't deleted my sad little profile entirely is because every other month I will receive something--whether it be a Facebook photo, link or message--that is as profoundly brilliant as what you see above.  The fact that someone turned what would have otherwise been a loving memory captured between a father and his children into an ominous scene out of a horror movie?? Using just one word!?? Get outta here.  That's brilliant.

Please note I almost titled this post "photo bombs are the bomb" but stopped myself.  You're welcome.  If the aversion to Facebook didn't make me look like a senior citizen, the fact that I would even THINK to write that title definitely does.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

CUTE puppy

Also I found this today.  You're welcome.

The Soup: Surviving Shakespeare

I was only half watching this week's episode of The Soup until my senses were bombarded by the words "Ay Caramba!" followed almost immediately by the theme to thriller. My eyes shot to the screen (naturally--a person only gets one chance to catch that kind of combo in life) and what I watched was nothing short of pure magic. I've since watched this clip 10 times and can tell you the reason for a Shakespeare/Michael Jackson mash up is never made clear but I wouldn't want it any other way. While watching the star actress stumble along to the dance moves is hilarious, seeing her hit herself in the head with a plastic mallet and fall into a 8-year-old's crotch is pretty great too. Enjoy!

Whoa! Just watched it an 11th time.  Can we talk about the beast that falls out of the first coffin?!? Haha just sayin'

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TP trauma

What a tragic little scene unfolding here.  I love that my first reaction was actually a gasp--I mean look at how scared that top guy is!  I love it.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

NUTS inside

Didn't know where this ad was going until I read the tagline.  Well done something called KNAZ.  That product name could use some work but your ad is spot on.