Saturday, August 20, 2011

Photo bomb!

HAHA here's a little gem my sister sent me via Facebook two months ago. I just found it today because Facebook and I have this long-standing love/hate relationship--I love to talk about how much I hate it.  Do I like, dislike, poke, prod, tazer, unfriend, refriend, defriend, and then freefriend?  That's far too much work.  The only reason I haven't deleted my sad little profile entirely is because every other month I will receive something--whether it be a Facebook photo, link or message--that is as profoundly brilliant as what you see above.  The fact that someone turned what would have otherwise been a loving memory captured between a father and his children into an ominous scene out of a horror movie?? Using just one word!?? Get outta here.  That's brilliant.

Please note I almost titled this post "photo bombs are the bomb" but stopped myself.  You're welcome.  If the aversion to Facebook didn't make me look like a senior citizen, the fact that I would even THINK to write that title definitely does.

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