Monday, August 22, 2011


Saw this logo on a subway ad today and was equally horrified and entertained by its inappropriateness.  I guess SafePlace is supposed to rescue victims of sexual and domestic violence but from the looks of the logo that's EXACTLY what's going to be going on when they get to this "safe place."  Before you object, take a good look at those two figures and tell me that doesn't look like someone's getting FULL ON groped from behind??  You may counter with "no, no, no the person in front is FACING the other person and they're just hugging."  But I thought of that too and that's EQUALLY creepy!  Someone grabbing you with big meaty paws like that and holding you against their face while your arms are pinned at your sides?!?  Uhhh no thank you.  I've seen dumpsters that look like safer places than this. FAIL!

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