Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Soup: Surviving Shakespeare

I was only half watching this week's episode of The Soup until my senses were bombarded by the words "Ay Caramba!" followed almost immediately by the theme to thriller. My eyes shot to the screen (naturally--a person only gets one chance to catch that kind of combo in life) and what I watched was nothing short of pure magic. I've since watched this clip 10 times and can tell you the reason for a Shakespeare/Michael Jackson mash up is never made clear but I wouldn't want it any other way. While watching the star actress stumble along to the dance moves is hilarious, seeing her hit herself in the head with a plastic mallet and fall into a 8-year-old's crotch is pretty great too. Enjoy!

Whoa! Just watched it an 11th time.  Can we talk about the beast that falls out of the first coffin?!? Haha just sayin'

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