Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 and I aren't friends...yet

Top three reasons....
Started new year's day by losing my transit card.  Plus side, found out it costs $2.25 to ride the bus so I'm less worried about sharing rides with drugged-up crazies (do you know how much heroin that would buy?? Or big macs! That's like TWO big macs). 

Made my way to the ATM in sub-freezing temperatures only to find a man had locked himself inside.  Plus side, found out later that I could have used my debit card to open the door.  Good to know.

Hopped the wrong train to get groceries which turned a five minute subway ride to Target into a 45 minute ride to an abandoned 1920's gas station in the middle of creepsville.  Plus side, I now know what it's like to be on the set of the Chainsaw Massacre.

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