Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Eve

Top three lines from tonight…
[Girl bursts around the corner of what appears to be an abandoned alley—totally out of breath and crazy eyed]
Girl (to crowd of strangers): I think…(catches breath)…I think my boyfriend just tried to finger that girl. Did anyone else see that??

[Girl catches friend sucking face with a rando]
Girl (in a slur-like whisper to rando): Hey…you…
[Rando stops and looks at Girl]
Girl: don’t you know she’s married?
Friend: SHANTAL! What’s the ONE thing I told you not to say tonight?!

[Girl bites it on sidewalk. I mean we’re talking stutter step-think she’s gonna make it-nope she’s falling faster-face plant city]
Guy wearing a blonde wig and a t-shirt that says "Behave": Oooooh honey child! You's a mess.  

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